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Category Misc.Posted on
Ardy’s Best Halloween Ever
This year Ardy represented during the Halloween festivities. It started in San Francisco:Hew and Ardy right before the toss.Perched on top of John as he takes in the view of San Fran.Btw: Saskia dress…
Category Misc.Posted on
Awesome Graphics!! So So Awesome.
I am still speechless over these mouse pads I saw this evening. Brought to you by the people at Awesome Graphics. I was searching on Amazon for mouse pads (which is a secret past time of mine that I …
Category Misc.Posted on
The Truth About Trail Mix
1) It lies.
2) Only 17% of people actually eat it on the trail.
I bought the Whole Foods Brand, More Than Macadamia (wow, that just got added to the tough words to spell list) Trail Mix the othe…
Category Misc.Posted on
Life Outside The Tub
Many times in the past I have been asked what Ardy the rubber duck's purpose in life is. You know...deep questions like.... "What is WITH the...Duck?
What is with duck? Easy. It's obviously a…