Operation: B.B.T.P. – Bring Back The Pinata.

PINATAS are underrated!!!!!!!

The poor guys just hang there in Party City…waiting…and waiting…and waiting…

It’s pathetic.

Remember the days when pinatas were a must have at your birthday party? I mean, you were just not cool without one, right?

The best pinata I ever had was on my 25th birthday. Nicole, Steph, Lesley, and Brooke decorated a pinata with pictures of Tony Little and Sesame Seed Bagels. Truly amazing.

Needless to say, the pinata was ripped to shreds. Although Tony and I have a love/hate relationship (and when I say hate I mean – I am obsessed with him), my relationship status with sesame seed bagels is 100% abominable with absolutely no hope for reconciliation.

So I now will pose the quesiton — What was your favorite pinata experience? If you can’t think of one…that needs to be rectified immediately by joining Operation BBTP ASAP.
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