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April 11, 1954 - The Most Boring Day.
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Category The PartyPosted on
OMG – Puzzles, Corn Chips, Bubble Wrap, and Thinking FREELY!!
Next year The Intense Individual Party will be on January 29, 2010....I think it's important to note that January 29 is also National Puzzle Day, National Corn Chip Day, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, …
Category The PartyPosted on
The Intense Individual Party #7 – The Recap!
Count Von Count counted all the votes....
Each of the winners blew us away with their Intensity. Judice from SNL ate pizza with her tiny hands, partied on stage with Zohan as he blew bubbles on h…
Category The PartyPosted on
Highlights From The Intense Individual Party #6
As we approach The Intense Individual Party #7, here is a recap of last year's Intense Individual Party by my friend Jake Feala to get you ready for the Intensity that will be experienced on January 2…