G Rated
The other day I was on the phone with SDG&E having a discussion about their services. When I spelled out the name of the street my office is on…”G Street”…the woman on the other end of the line said, “G as in Good?” I responded, “No… G as in Great.” Her response, “Oh sorry.”
Yeah you better be.
G. It’s a solid letter.
It demands respect even when we decide to silence it.
So, for Greg’s birthday I had a birthday party for him at my place and the theme was G. It was simple…you had to dress as something that started with the letter G (or someone with the last name that starts with G.)
Here are some of the costumes.
Greg was Ali G. Ernesto was a Girl.
Greg’s parents were a Geek and a Gipsy, his brother Bryan was our first president.
Juan was Garbage and Andrea was a Geisha.
Duffy was a Garden and Conor was the Garden’s Gnome.
John was the Land”God”, Brian was a Ghostbuster, and Rick was a Golfer.
Sean and Nicole were Grandpa and a Grandma.
Here is Jake as a Gaucho, with the Garden, Gas Prices, the Gnome, and Adam as: Geoff.
Here’s the Girl with Sarah as Graffiti.
There was even some Hula Hooping.
Brooke, the Gardener watered the Garden.
And then the Garden tried to compete with the real stuff.