Intense Individual Party #4 – PICTURES!!!!!
This is a very overdue entry but it’s been a bit of a busy month…but rest assured…the pics are here and the moments are documented…
The INTENSE INDIVIDUAL PARTY #4. — There were some unbelieveable costumes but at the end of the day there had to be only three winners….and the trophies went to….
#1) The Supremes.
Yes, my mom was one of them. She came rolling up in a limo with her Book Club and suprised me. I had no idea that they were all coming. But that wasn’t the end of it. They arrived at the party with their bodyguards and went straight to the stage and performed TWO songs choreographed. I think anyone at the party would say that it was one of the most Intense moments of the night.
Although the bodyguards made it hard to talk to them…
….KISS was able to steal a little QT in the limo pre-performance.
#2) Tom Selleck in his Magnum P.I. days.
#3) National Geographic’s mysterious Afghan girl, Sharbat Gula.
I mean, Sharbat and Betsy Ross….naturally.
Mr. T was not happy about the outcome…
I mean things were just INTENSE
And then was joined on stage by…Weekend At Bernie’s (RIP), KISS, ZZ Top and David Bowie.
Weekend at Bernie’s was ….in character….the.whole.night.
George Washington and Betsy Ross.
It was great to have George there. I just walked around all night pointing to G Double You and claiming that “he changed my life.” He really was the ONE who recognized my scissor skills when cutting a five point star and gave me the honor of sewing our first American flag. Yes….
Getting everyone pumped for some Pledge of Allegiance Action
Mick Jagger stealing a ride on Tony Little’s Gazelle. Tony was not pleased. Tom Selleck had to restrain T Lit.
But the Russ Troll got a ride no problem (word is trolls are making a comeback in ’07)
The girl on the left was celebrating her Sweet Sixteen Party….
…She told her Daddy to get Justin Timberlake to perform…and he came through….
Let’s just say there were about seven of them there…and they all got up on stage and performed “the song”. If anyone has a picture of these guys…please challah.
There was also the female rendition of this costume…. That’s all I will show…trying to keep this a bit PG!
Ben Woods, Mystique from XMEN, and GW. God Bless the USA.
Willy and his Oompa Loompas with Audrey Hepburn.
Fidel, Carmen Miranda, and Rachel Ray
After the stellar performance…David Bowie needed some pizza delivery…
And after Tony Indulged in some pizza…he got back on the Gazelle and got a little hydration from Cabo’s One and Only Tequila Girl from Squid Roe
Not sure which is more frightening…
Pee Wee…after he stopped off at the local cineplex.
Mary Poppins after she gave Mr. T a spoonfull of sugar and made him forget the big loss.
Soccer Mom and Dad. Soccer Mom brought the juice boxes and Scooby Snacks. Velma was all over those.
Napolean Dynamite with Mary. The Sugar was SWEEEEEEEEET.
The Metro Band ROCKED out 80’s style…
Wayne and Garth (Wayne was the drummer in the Metro Band) SHWING!
Hunter S. Thompson and Jennifer Beal from Flashdance…
Maybe the most random costume ever…but I loved it!
My Landlord…also on the gazelle.
My Landlord is so Intense he was THE FIRST INDIVIDUAL at the party. He got there before me. He was invited to come as himself. Shocking, right?
Little Edie Beale from Grey Gardens and Artie from Pete and Pete.
Mystique in an Oompa Loompa sandwich
Never thought these two would ever hangout…
Luigi and Oompa bonding session
Courtney Perkins and Harlan Wilkie
Marge flew all the way from New York to be there…last year she flew in from NYC as Prince. Katie Bergman has by far the most Intense Individual Party air miles.
But while Katie Bergman may hold the record for most II miles….Mike Kivisto, aka: Mike The Nomad
is the most Intense Traveler I know. Check out his website…you’ll see what I mean.
Mr. Rogers….he brought a few different sweaters
It IS all about the Benjamins…baby.
Other Intense Moments From The Night….
It’s hard to put into words the Intensity of the night but hopefully this long overdue post can give you a flava flav.
The next morning I heard that the International Knitting and Sewing Convention was going on downtown at the San Diego Convention Center.
I mean…it supposedly only happens once a year….and well, I HAD to go….dressed as The #1 Sewer of All Time. Good Ol’ Betsy. Deirdre came with me my bodyguard in case things got out of control.
Well, first when we arrived we got lost and ended up at the Mary Kay convention….
The security there was really nice. I even ended up winning a raffle under the last name Ross.
After we hungout there for about 10 minutes…(everyone wanted to perform a make-over on us)….
We strolled to the other side of the convention center. But the Security there was full on Katingal. We tried to befriend the guards…
….but that didn’t work. The security was SEW INTENSE. #1 Sewer of all time and they wouldn’t let me in for a 15 minute weave through the yarn. Whatever.
Sew anyway we had to wait in the lobby to try and sneak in or find a badge. Luckily, this woman named Joan was nice enough to scrounge one badge that allowed me access to the event. That’s when things got really weird.
After about 12.5 minutes acting like a Disneyland character, I found Joan and gave her badge back. As I was on my way out, this psycho woman named Penny stopped me and repremanded me. She goes, “Where’s your badge?” I looked at her sheepishly and said, “I just gave my badge away.” “How did you get a badge?” she asked. “Joan,” I said. She replied quickly, “Who’s Joan?” Ummm this was a SEWING convention…there were probably 3,000 Joans.
SEWWWWW I just sort of stood there…trying hard not to notice the people staring at the scene Penny had created. Penny glared at me and I just said nicely, “Seriously Penny….don’t yell at me…I’m Betsy Ross.” She then held up her finger and screamed, “This event is not open to the public.” “But I am a public figure,” I exclaimed. “You need to leave!” she yelled.
Wow. Someone had a needle stuck up somewhere unpleasant. Sew anyway, she watched me with her Evil Penny eye as I high tailed out…Yes, I got KICKED OUT OF THE SEWING CONVENTION DRESSED AS BETSY ROSS. Penny…she made no Cents.
Oh by the way, to all my Canadian relatives out there, I hope you know just because I embraced the likes of B. Ross…I still stayed close to my roots.
Well, again, I’m sorry for the long delay in posting the pics…But thanks to all The Intense Individuals, especially those who who came out and I hope these pictures get you all pumped for next year’s bash.