We Are The World

When I saw the original Japanese version of Human Tetris

for the first time I was floored! Unreal! The game was so bizarre and hilarious I never thought the Japanese could top it with anything funnier. — EVER!

Well… they did.

Recently, Conor Lastowka emailed me this video produced by some Japanese individuals that has left me in tears.

They took 1985’s claim to fame song: We Are The World and spun it in their own special way.

If you are scratching your head going, “We Are The Whaaaaat?” Let me refresh your memory. WATW was produced by Quincy Jones* and written by Michael Jackson and Grandpa Lionel Richie to raise money for Ethiopia. (*Most people give all the credit to Michael Jackson for helming the song but QJ was the main man behind it.) Sometimes I seriously feel bad for Quincy. Sometimes. Then I remember the Grammies. If you don’t thank Quincy Jones (even if he didn’t help you out that year) you are dead to music. I think that’s how it goes but I am paraphrasing.

Anyway, back to WATW….Here is the original version. WORTH IT TO WATCH THROUGH FOR ADDED HUMOR LATER!



Thank you Japan…again!!!