Over the past year poor Ardy, the rubber duck, has taken a beating. Let's just say Ardy in flight is not as easy to capture as one may assume. (Thanks, Noodle.) It has been over a year now since I …
Remember him? How could you forget? Vincent D’Onofrio? The actor that played the real life comic book hero, Thor, in 1987's Adventures in Babysitting….(Yes the same individual that Renee Zellweger t…
About a year ago I found out about a very disturbing website called www.celinedreams.com ...a forum where fans of Celine Dion are able to write in to let the other members know what kind of dreams the…
What do Arabian bred horses, Whole Foods, and Southwest Airlines all have in common? Two words: Dan DeRusseau.Right now Dan DeRusseau is probably tending to one of his Egyptian mares on his Austin, T…
johnmackey Originally uploaded by lisacomrie. The genius behind Whole Foods. (The Salads are amazing!) Especially at the Clark St. store in Evanston, IL! The fact that Whole Foods started in …
It was October 27, 1986 and Barry Levenson, an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Wisconsin, sat in front of his TV watching his beloved Boston Red Sox succumb to defeat in the World Series o…
Here is a snapshot I took of some young chap buying a pack of cigarettes at the train station in Stockholm, Sweden. I am not sure if he got the memo but unlike 1985, today we have little tiny Ipods a…