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Category Misc.Posted on
The Most Intense Individual Right Now
There is no question in my mind that my landlord, John, is the most Intense Individual I encountered in 2005. John is so intense that he has surpassed any new Intense Individual in the running for 200…
Category JudgingPosted on
How Much Is Too Much?
I often what point does it occur to the "mover" that no more can fit?
I am dumbfounded when I see this on the road.
Stack-o-holics. These individuals just stack, stack, stack until…
Category casual travelerPosted on
Rubber Duck Saves A Woman’s Life
This is an amazing story! Shirley Madsen, a 90 year-old woman was stuck inside her bathtub for three days. The only thing that saved her was a rubber duck that she drank water out of. READ THIS STORY
Category Misc.Posted on
Oh Say Can You Seeeeee….
So I have my swearing in ceremony on Wednesday to become an American Citizen. There have been numerous interviews, fingerprinting, tests, and oral exams since I began the process but I will not go in…