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Thanksgiving in July
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Category Misc.Posted on
Operation: B.B.T.P. – Bring Back The Pinata.
PINATAS are underrated!!!!!!! The poor guys just hang there in Party City...waiting...and waiting...and waiting...It's pathetic.Remember the days when pinatas were a must have at your birthday party…
Category Misc.Posted on
No Longer A Resident Alien
Yes that's what the United States Government called me from April 1985- September 2005. An alien.
My green card is gone and I am now officially American. Well, technically American and Canadian sin…
Category Misc.Posted on
Season’s Greetings…To All
Things got weird for Ardy this Christmas. Also for this reindeer...That picture was not set up. Lesley Lauren Olenik and I were running in Balboa Park the other night and literally ran into this sce…
Category Misc.Posted on
A couple of weeks ago I participated in an event. It was an event of great magnitude. An event that consisted of many rocks, paper, and scissors. Yes, you guessed it. The Rock, Paper, Scissors West…